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NX 2D Import for AutoCAD 1.0

NX 2D Import for AutoCAD 1.0

Screenshots of NX 2D Import for AutoCAD

NX 2D Import for AutoCAD Publisher's Description

NX 2D Import for AutoCAD is a NX (formerly Unigraphics or UG) 2D drawing file import plug-in for AutoCAD. This plug-in gives AutoCAD the ability to import 2D data from NX drawing files.
NX 2D Import for AutoCAD reads 2D geometric data from NX drawings and creates corresponding 2D entities in the active AutoCAD drawing. Colors, layers, dimensions, etc. are maintained across the translation thereby yielding an accurate AutoCAD representation of the NX drawing.
NX 2D Import for AutoCAD is very easy to use. Once installed, it must be loaded into the AutoCAD environment. There are simple instructions for this in the ReadMe file. Once loaded it adds new commands to AutoCAD's existing commands and a new submenu called "NX2DImport" to the AutoCAD menu containing the newly added commands.

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